AGM100® Gas Exchange Monitor
Revolutionary, non-invasive respiratory assessment and monitoring system
- Calculated Arterial PaO2 blood gas levels in under 2 minutes
- Simple push-button respiratory impairment detection
- Clinically actionable information to guide better treatment
Respiratory Parameters
O2 Deficit, gPaO2, PAO2, PETCO2, P/F ratio, SpO2, respiratory rate, and more.
AGM100® Gas Exchange Monitor
Revolutionary, non-invasive respiratory assessment and monitoring system
- Calculated Arterial PaO2 blood gas levels in under 2 minutes
- Simple push-button respiratory impairment detection
- Clinically actionable information to guide better treatment
Respiratory Parameters
O2 Deficit, gPaO2, PAO2, PETCO2, P/F ratio, SpO2, respiratory rate, and more.

AGM100® Gas Exchange Monitor
A revolutionary device designed to provide comprehensive measurements of pulmonary gas exchange with a 90 second breathing test.
The patient simply breathes through the medical-grade polycarbonate mouthpiece, and the device will display the 12 essential respiratory measurements such as gPaO2, PETCO2, O2 deficit, and more.
Comprehensive Respiratory Parameters
Calculated Arterial Partial Pressure of Oxygen, mmHg
O2 Deficit
Alveolar and Arterial Oxygen Difference (PAO2-PaO2), mmHg
Ratio of Arterial to Alveolar Oxygen Partial Pressure, %
Ratio of Arterial to Fraction of Inspired Oxygen, mmHg
Respiratory Quotient
Partial Pressure of Inspired Oxygen, mmHg
End Tidal Partial Pressure of Oxygen, mmHg
End Tidal Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide, mmHg
Respiratory Rate, Br/m
Oxygen Saturation, %
Pulse Rate
Pulse Rate, BPM

The AGM100® Brochure
AGM100® is the first portable respiratory monitoring system that provides comprehensive respiratory measurements in one intuitive output screen. Analyzed from a patient’s normal two-minute breathing samples, the AGM100® integrates a set of critical parameters and respiratory measurements for fast, point-of-care results.
What Practitioners are Saying
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Dr. Oswaldo Ramirez, Emergency Physician
Ron Pasewald - Improved ER Triage
“We are measuring patients in the emergency room. It’s a form of triage, for what kind of care we are going to provide in the emergency room and possibly as an indicator for whether or not these patients have silent hypoxemia and whether or not these patients should be admitted to the hospital or not.”
Ron Pasewald, RRTPast President of Wisconsin Society for Respiratory Care
“The AGM100® is so easy to use and portable. You get the data in minutes, instead of hours so I can separate ‘respiratory’ from ‘non-respiratory’ patients. It also worked seamlessly when I took it to remote rural areas where we did not have access to labs nearby…the next hospital is 160 miles away and the only way to transport patients to a hospital was via helicopter.”
Emergency Physician
“Quite frankly, over 15% of our surgical patients have COPD and many more don’t know they have respiratory issues. That is why we are using the MediPines AGM100® here to fast screen these patients, pre-surgery…“
Leading Academic M.D.Medical Center Director
"So, what makes the MediPines Gas Exchange Monitor interesting?
Simply put, it’s new. The Gas Exchange Monitor is the first medical device to integrate a “comprehensive set” of respiratory parameters and indicators drawn from a patient’s breath in a noninvasive test. What’s key is the word “noninvasive.”
Meditech Boston
Driven by Respiratory Experts
Trusted By Doctors & Patients in the USA
We are the market leader in rapid respiratory assessment and monitoring of pulmonary gas exchange.
Recognition & Awards

Featured Clinical Partners

Built to the Highest Global Standards

For all qualified healthcare facilities

Manufactured in MDSAP:ISO13485 Certified Facility

Health Canada COVID-19 Medical Device Authorization for Importation or Sale Reference # 3134549

Made in Orange County, California